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Streaming to OBS

After your performers are all set up, you are now ready to feed their audio and video into OBS Studio for the actual livestream.

Getting stream link#

First, get the stream link of the Child Node you would like to add to OBS Studio.

Obtain stream link

Regardless of whether the Child Node is broadcasting audio and/or video, you are able to choose whether the Child Node stream will include audio.

Adding stream to OBS#

Launch OBS. Under Sources panel, click the + icon and select Browser Source.

Add browser source

Name your source accordingly to organise your scene better. We recommend naming it the nickname of the Child Node you're adding.

Name browser source

  • Paste in the stream link you copied from the Stream Control page on the Parent Node.
  • Set the width and height as desired. The video source will find a best fit to fill up the frame.
  • For better efficiency on OBS end, set the FPS value to 30.

Source options

You will now see your source added to the OBS scene.

Source added

Starting audio of stream in OBS#

For source links with audio, you will see a start audio button on top of your source. To activate the audio for this source, select it and press the Interact button as show.

Interact button

On the pop-up window, click on the start audio button. The button will disappear and you will start receiving audio in your OBS scene from this Child Node. You may now close the pop-up window.

Interact pop up

Turning audio sources on/off individually in OBS#